Getting started
Choose your project type
Choose your initiative size
Outcomes measurement tool
Potential data sources
- Public Health England
- Fingertips
- WSIC / GP records / trust records / hospital records for specific codes
Project type | Description | Suggested indicators |
Admission avoidance | Initiatives to prevent people from being admitted to (usually acute) care, usually by providing alternative, less intensive modes of care in the community |
Community engagement and outreach | Initiatives to build trust with communities and promote engagement with health and care services |
Culture improvement | Initiatives to improve staff retention, development and happiness at work (or other components in NHS staff survey) |
Discharge support | Initiatives to discharge patients as early as possible from (usually acute) care into less intensive care modalities e.g. in the community |
New pilot / (Re) Commissioning or other initiative type | If you are launching a new pilot, (re)commissioning a service or initiative or evaluating any other type of initiative please check these ideas of what to measure. |
Pathway reform / improvement | Initiatives that seek to redesign an existing clinical pathway |
Prevention and early intervention | Initiatives to prevent development of disease or adverse events by detecting risk factors or disease as early as possible and offering treatment if needed / appropriate |
Scale-up of pilot or existing initiative | Initiatives to spread and scale a well-evidenced initiative to a larger geographical area / user number |
Skills building | Initiatives to build skills within staff, patients or populations |
Potential data sources
- NHS Friends and family test
- GP or trust records
- NHS England (NHSE) dashboards
- Patient-Reported Experience Measures
Project type | Description | Suggested indicators |
Admission avoidance | Initiatives to prevent people from being admitted to (usually acute) care, usually by providing alternative, less intensive modes of care in the community |
Community engagement and outreach | Initiatives to build trust with communities and promote engagement with health and care services |
Culture improvement | Initiatives to improve staff retention, development and happiness at work (or other components in NHS staff survey) |
Discharge support | Initiatives to discharge patients as early as possible from (usually acute) care into less intensive care modalities e.g. in the community |
New pilot / (Re) Commissioning or other initiative type | If you are launching a new pilot, (re)commissioning a service or initiative or evaluating any other type of initiative please check these ideas of what to measure. |
Pathway reform / improvement | Initiatives that seek to redesign an existing clinical pathway |
Prevention and early intervention | Initiatives to prevent development of disease or adverse events by detecting risk factors or disease as early as possible and offering treatment if needed / appropriate |
Scale-up of pilot or existing initiative | Initiatives to spread and scale a well-evidenced initiative to a larger geographical area / user number |
Skills building | Initiatives to build skills within staff, patients or populations |
Potential data sources
- NHS staff survey
- Organisational HR data
- Custom surveys
Project type | Description | Suggested indicators |
Admission avoidance | Initiatives to prevent people from being admitted to (usually acute) care, usually by providing alternative, less intensive modes of care in the community |
Community engagement and outreach | Initiatives to build trust with communities and promote engagement with health and care services |
Culture improvement | Initiatives to improve staff retention, development and happiness at work (or other components in NHS staff survey) |
Discharge support | Initiatives to discharge patients as early as possible from (usually acute) care into less intensive care modalities e.g. in the community |
New pilot / (Re) Commissioning or other initiative type | If you are launching a new pilot, (re)commissioning a service or initiative or evaluating any other type of initiative please check these ideas of what to measure. |
Pathway reform / improvement | Initiatives that seek to redesign an existing clinical pathway |
Prevention and early intervention | Initiatives to prevent development of disease or adverse events by detecting risk factors or disease as early as possible and offering treatment if needed / appropriate |
Scale-up of pilot or existing initiative | Initiatives to spread and scale a well-evidenced initiative to a larger geographical area / user number |
Skills building | Initiatives to build skills within staff, patients or populations |
Potential data sources
- NHS finance teams
- Healthcare datasets (e.g. Healthcare Resource Group codes)
- Custom data collection on initiative costs and staff time used
Project type | Description | Suggested indicators |
Admission avoidance | Initiatives to prevent people from being admitted to (usually acute) care, usually by providing alternative, less intensive modes of care in the community |
Community engagement and outreach | Initiatives to build trust with communities and promote engagement with health and care services |
Culture improvement | Initiatives to improve staff retention, development and happiness at work (or other components in NHS staff survey) |
Discharge support | Initiatives to discharge patients as early as possible from (usually acute) care into less intensive care modalities e.g. in the community |
New pilot / (Re) Commissioning or other initiative type | If you are launching a new pilot, (re)commissioning a service or initiative or evaluating any other type of initiative please check these ideas of what to measure. |
Pathway reform / improvement | Initiatives that seek to redesign an existing clinical pathway |
Prevention and early intervention | Initiatives to prevent development of disease or adverse events by detecting risk factors or disease as early as possible and offering treatment if needed / appropriate |
Scale-up of pilot or existing initiative | Initiatives to spread and scale a well-evidenced initiative to a larger geographical area / user number |
Skills building | Initiatives to build skills within staff, patients or populations |
Potential data sources
- Demographics information from WSIC or other health databases
- Public Health England (PHE)
- Fingertips
- Custom collection of demographic data (age / gender / ethnicity / postcode)
Project type | Description | Suggested indicators |
Admission avoidance | initiatives to prevent people from being admitted to (usually acute) care, usually by providing alternative, less intensive modes of care in the community |
Community engagement and outreach | Initiatives to build trust with communities and promote engagement with health and care services |
Culture improvement | initiatives to improve staff retention, development and happiness at work (or other components in NHS staff survey) |
Discharge support | initiatives to discharge patients as early as possible from (usually acute) care into less intensive care modalities e.g. in the community |
New pilot / (Re) Commissioning or other initiative type | If you are launching a new pilot, (re)commissioning a service or initiative or evaluating any other type of initiative please check these ideas of what to measure. |
Pathway reform / improvement | Pathway reform / improvement |
Prevention and early intervention | initiatives to prevent development of disease or adverse events by detecting risk factors or disease as early as possible and offering treatment if needed / appropriate |
Scale-up of pilot or existing initiative | Initiatives to spread and scale a well-evidenced initiative to a larger geographical area / user number |
Skills building | initiatives to build skills within staff, patients or populations |
Frequently asked questions
What are the initative types and which one is the best fit for my initiative?
We have divided the Outcomes Framework into nine types of initiative:
Community engagement and outreach
Initiatives to build trust with communities and promote engagement with health and care services.
Pathway reform or improvement
Initiatives that seek to redesign an existing clinical pathway.
Scale-up of pilot or existing initiative
Initiatives to spread and scale a well-evidenced initiative to a larger geographical area or increase the number of users.
Culture improvement
Initiatives to improve staff retention, development and happiness at work (or other components in NHS staff survey).
Admission avoidance
Initiatives to prevent people from being admitted to (usually acute) care, usually by providing alternative, less intensive modes of care in the community.
Discharge support
Initiatives to discharge patients as early as possible from (usually acute) care into less intensive care modalities e.g. in the community.
Skills building
Initiatives to build skills within staff, patients or populations
Prevention and early intervention
Initiatives to prevent development of disease or adverse events by detecting risk factors or disease as early as possible and offering treatment if needed and appropriate.
New pilot / (Re) Commissioning or OTHER initiative type
If you are launching a new pilot, (re)commissioning a service or initiative or evaluating any other type of initiative please check these ideas of what to measure.
What if the initiative I’m evaluating doesn’t fit any of the types?
Select ‘New pilot/(Re)Commissioning or OTHER initiative type’.
How do I calculate my initiative size if I don’t know the specific budget for the initiative?
You might want to think about it in terms of how many people are receiving the initiative you are evaluating, where:
- Less than 50 people = Small
- 51-500 people = Medium
- >500 people = Large
Do I need to take into account all pillars of the Outcomes Framework for my initiative?
If you browse through the different initiative types, you will see some include recommended metrics for all five pillars while others don’t. This is because some pillars of the Outcome Framework are more relevant to certain initiative types than others.
For instance, initiatives focusing on ‘Culture Improvement’ (eg staff) don’t need to capture anything on patient outcomes or experiences. However, if you feel like your culture improvement initiative will lead to patient benefits, then do capture those.
What if I want to capture metrics that are NOT listed in the framework?
We would expect you to have metrics in your initiative logic model that are not captured in this framework – but are still important. We encourage you to include them in your evaluation. Remember, this is more a ‘minimum set’ of metrics rather than everything you might need.
What if my initiative is intentionally targeted at a specific demographic group for equity reasons?
That’s fine – your metrics need to be relevant to your specific initiative. Note that we’ve also mentioned in the framework you can capture metrics that are specific to populations of interest – such as Core20 populations – to address this point.
What do I do about cost metrics if I believe there aren’t any?
First, have you considered all possible costs you could capture? These could be:
- Fixed costs – These could relate to buildings and infrastructure (renting a room for training sessions for instance) or software licenses (such as a fixed payment for access to a screening tool).
- Variable costs – These can cover, for instance, the number of staff hired or consumables used.
If you still don’t think you are spending any money directly, are there indirect costs or non-monetary ways to capture resource use?
- The most basic of these is staff time ie you could capture the number of hours/days of staff time used to deliver your initiative. This can be done by band or by asking staff to estimate how many hours a week they are spending on your initiative. For instance, staff hours by AfC Band can then be converted into pound sterling if needed and included in your evaluation.