Stage 3Activity 5 (of 5)
Step 1
Organise and summarise your data at regular intervals using data analysis. For quantitative data, begin with simple statistical measures such as averages and standard errors to get an initial understanding of your data. For qualitative data, start by identifying key themes for each of your main questions.
- This resource offers an overview of the different types of quantitative and qualitative analysis available.
Step 2
For in-depth analysis, deploy more complex statistical methods or qualitative analysis methods.
- See the Statistical Process Control section on pages 26-36 of this document or the Framework analysis methodology in this document for two examples of methods for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Note that these may not be the correct methods for your specific project – refer to your evaluation design tool outputs for custom guidance.
Step 3
Depending on the complexity of analysis required, consider requesting support from specialists such as data analysts.
- There may be relevant teams in your local organisation that can help. For instance, if you work for an acute or mental health trust, check to see if there is an in-house business intelligence team that can support you sourcing and summarising relevant data.
- If you are working on more complex projects (eg requesting NW London-wide data), you may already have commissioned support and they can perform the analysis for you.