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Stage 1

Plan your evaluation

Understand the purpose, audience and available resources for your evaluation and clearly define your initiative and its intended impact.

This stage creates the foundations of your evaluation. It focuses on the planning and preparation of your evaluation plan. This plan helps you to understand the purpose, audience and available resources for your evaluation – as well as outline the intended impact or change you want your initiative to deliver.

Stage 1 activities

Stage 1 checklist

  • I have determined what the core offering of the initiative is.
  • I have confirmed all my stakeholders share an understanding of the purpose and intended impacts of the initiative – and why an evaluation is needed in the first place.
  • I have defined who the target population for the initiative is.
  • I understand the desired impacts or outcomes of the initiative.
  • I have identified the people who will be assessing my evaluation.
  • I have calculated what resources and time are available for my evaluation.
  • I have created an evaluation plan that is ready to be executed.
Congratulations on completing this stage! You can continue your progress below.

Your progress

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