Stage 1Activity 4 (of 4)

Step 1
Assess if you’re now ready to start your evaluation. Use the template at the end of this guide to summarise all the information you’ve collected so far – and, just as importantly, to spot any information you may have missed.
- Also use the checklist on this NHS Evaluation toolkit webpage to assess if you are ready to start your evaluation.
Step 2
Consider what people, time and other resources you have available to carry out your evaluation plan. It’s also important to pull together a list of key questions you need answers to, including who will carry out the evaluation and what should be included.
- Get started by reading pages 10-11of this World Health Organisation guide to aims and objectives (Part 1b – steps six to seven).
Step 3
Develop a structure for your evaluation plan including information on resources and what you will produce at the end of your evaluation (ie a report or business case).
- View this NHS evaluation toolkit template that suggests a possible structure for your evaluation plan and what should be included.
Other recommended resources
Guide to 4-step evaluation framework
Imperial College Health Partners -
Real world evaluation guide
Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex